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Event Chairs

IC3K Conference Chair

Joaquim Filipe
Polytechnic Institute of Setubal / INSTICC

Brief Bio
Joaquim B L Filipe is currently a Coordinator Professor of the School of Technology of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (EST-Setúbal), Portugal. He got his PhD at the School of Computing of Staffordshire University, U.K, in 2000.
His main areas of research involve Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent System theory and applications to different domains, with an emphasis on social issues in activity coordination, especially in organizational modelling and simulation, where he has been actively involved in several R&D projects, including national and international programs. He represented EST-Setúbal in
several European projects.
He has over 200 publications, including papers in conferences and journals, edited books, and conference proceedings. He started several conference series, sponsored by INSTICC and technically co-sponsored or in cooperation with major International Associations.
He took part in over 100 conference and workshop program committees and he is on the editorial board of a Springer book series.
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Program Co-Chairs

Jorge Bernardino
Polytechnic of Coimbra - ISEC

Brief Bio
Jorge Bernardino received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Coimbra in 2002. He is currently a coordinator professor with the Polytechnic of Coimbra - ISEC (Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra), Portugal. From 2005 to 2010, he was president of ISEC. In 2014, he was a visiting professor at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), USA. From 2017 to 2019, he was also president of the ISEC Scientific Council. He was the director of the Applied Research Institute (i2A), Polytechnic of Coimbra, from 2019 to 2021. His main research fields are big data, NoSQL, data warehousing, business intelli gence, open source tools, and software engineering. ... More >>

Ana Carolina Salgado
Federal University of Pernambuco

Brief Bio
Ana Carolina Salgado is currently a Full Professor at Center for Informatics of Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE – (Brazil). She obtained her Doctorate in Computer Science from the University of Nice (France) in 1988, and spent a sabbatical year at Université de Versailles (France) in 2007-2008. Her main research interests are in areas of databases, bigdata integration and context-aware systems. Dr. Salgado has published more then 150 technical articles in conference proceedings and journals. She has served on program committees of many conferences and acted as referee for international conferences and journals. In her academic activities she has advised 42 MSc and 13 PhD theses. She is member of ACM, IEEE and the Brazilian Computer Society. She also was head of Center for Informatics (2001-2005) and carried out some other administrative tasks at UFPE. ... More >>
