KMIS 2016 Abstracts

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 19

Enabling Centralised Management of Local Sensor Data Refinement in Machine Fleets


Petri Kannisto and David Hästbacka

Abstract: In modern mobile machines, a lot of measurement data is available to generate information about machine performance. Exploiting it locally in machines would enable optimising their operation and, thus, yield competitive advantage and reduce environmental load due to reduced emissions. However, optimisation requires extensive knowledge about machine performance and characteristics in various conditions. As physical machines may be located geographically far from each other, the management of ever evolving knowledge is challenging. This study introduces a software concept to enable centralised management of data refinement performed locally in the machines of a geographically distributed fleet. It facilitates data utilisation in end user applications that provide useful information for operators in the field. Whatever the further data analysis requirements are, multiple preprocessing tasks are performed: it enables outlier limit configuration, the calculation of derived variables, data set categorisation and context recognition. A functional prototype has been implemented for the refinement of real operational data collected from forestry machines. The results show that the concept has considerable potential to bring added value for enterprises due to improved possibilities in managing data utilisation.

Paper Nr: 28

Knowledge Management Framework for Early Phases in TOGAF-based Enterprise Architecture


Juan Pablo Meneses-Ortegón and Rafael A. Gonzalez

Abstract: Consulting firms in enterprise architecture that develop projects through the TOGAF framework may generate valuable knowledge from project to project. However, for this knowledge to create value, it must be supported by an effective ability to capture, store and reuse it. This paper proposes a knowledge management framework focused on TOGAF initial phases to enable reusing lessons from previous projects. Through a specific meta-model, it offers “ways of” thinking, working, supporting, controlling and modelling this process. As a result, we present some steps to develop knowledge management in TOGAF-based enterprise architecture projects through a case study in a consulting firm.

Paper Nr: 29

Business Intelligence Solution for an SME: A Case Study


Raghavendra Raj, Shun Ha Sylvia Wong and Anthony J. Beaumont

Abstract: Business Intelligence (BI) leverages the usefulness of existing information. It equips business users with relevant information to perform various analyses to make key business decisions. Over the last two decades, BI has become a core strategy for the growth of many companies, in particular large corporations. However, studies show that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) lag behind in implementation and exploitation of BI solutions. To stay ahead of the competition, SMEs must be able to monitor and effectively use all of their resources, in particular information resources, to assist them in making important business decisions. In this paper, we examine the challenges such as lack of technical expertise and limited budget when implementing a BI solution within an SME in the UK. In light of our experiences in tackling these issues, we discuss how these challenges can be overcome through applying various tools and strategies and the potential benefits.

Paper Nr: 30

Dual-Priority Congestion Control Mechanism for Video Services - Real Network Tests of CVIHIS


Juha Vihervaara, Pekka Loula and Teemu Alapaholuoma

Abstract: Information can be shared effectively by using of videos. Therefore, it is no wonder that videos form most of the Internet traffic. For the efficient operation of the Internet, it is essential that these videos are shared with a proper and effective way. In our previous paper, we have already presented a congestion control mechanism for the proper transmission of videos. This mechanism can offer two priority levels for video. There is a low priority service where the bandwidth is given away to other connections after the load level of a network exceeds a certain level. Instead, the other priority level, a real-time mode, always wants its fair share of the bandwidth. In this study, we have tested the operation of this mechanism by doing real network tests.

Paper Nr: 34

Coordination Problems in Knowledge Transfer: A Case Study of Inter-Organizational Projects


Nestor A. Nova and Rafael A. Gonzalez

Abstract: When multiple organizations are involved in a heritage management project, the coordination of actions is complex and can affect the knowledge transfer process. This paper contributes a systematic and empirical study of the dynamics of coordination activities inside a knowledge transfer process in heritage management activities. Using the information-processing view of coordination, we explore the following question: what kinds of coordination issues affect effective coordination of knowledge transfer in inter-organizational projects? The discussion is supported by a case study in the architectural heritage domain. We reveal that there are many coordination issues that affect the mutual understanding between actors, limiting information exchange and knowledge transfer. These issues uncover a gap between the conception and use of ICTs that support coordination, and a lack of understanding about how ICT usage affects the knowledge transfer process. Thus, a socio-material perspective about relationship between people and coordination technologies could improve knowledge transfer performance.

Paper Nr: 44

How Can We Facilitate the Diffusion of Electric Vehicles in Japan? - Consumer Characteristics and Perceived Innovation Attributes


Taiyu Sato and Miki Saijo

Abstract: Electric vehicles (EVs) have significant potential to substantially reduce CO2 emissions from transportation. Researchers have been working around the world to find ways to diffuse the use of this innovation in markets, but only a few such studies have been made in Japan. The aim of this study is to pinpoint potential adopters of EVs and the factors driving or hindering the diffusion of EV use in Japan. An online questionnaire was used to identify consumer characteristics and perceived innovation attributes of EVs among 208 car owners. Two groups of car owners divided by intentions to buy EVs were compared. We found that potential adopters perceive EVs positively and have positive environmental attitudes and are scientifically literate. Our findings also indicate social environment norms can drive the diffusion of EVs while consumers’ lack of compatibility with EVs hinders the widespread diffusion of this innovation. Finally we discuss the limitations and implications of this study.

Paper Nr: 45

Organizational Records Systems - An Alternative View to (Enterprise) Information Systems


Sherry Li Xie and Guanyan (Amelie) Fan

Abstract: The field of Information Systems (ISs) has been around since the 1960s (Hirschheim and Kleinand, 2011) and the notion of Enterprise Information Systems has been fully acknowledged for close to 30 years (Xu, 2007). Long existing in organizations or enterprises is also the field of records management, now predominantly, digital records management, which shares the many goals of the fields of ISs and EIS in terms of supporting enterprise operations and advancements. The DRM field recognized rather early in its battle to combat digital records challenges that the need to work closely with the ICT profession for devising information system functional requirements and for developing long term preservation strategies for valuable digital records. It is still rare, however, to spot discussions regarding the relationships among the fields in the ICT literature today. It is the intention of this communication piece to introduce one of the major developments of the international DRM field, i.e., the Chain of Preservation model, in particular the types of records systems that it encompasses, to the ISs and EIS professions, for the purpose of invoking further discussions and future collaborations.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 5

Mobile Data Store Platforms: Test Case based Performance Evaluation


Karim Kussainov and Bolatzhan Kumalakov

Abstract: Mobile applications are an important tool in knowledge management, as they collect and process massive amount of user data. Day-to-day usage of mobile services has rocketed by factors over the last decade. Average mobile device user installs multiple social network, messaging, professional and leisure applications. Saving and retrieving associated data becomes a challenging task in the light of the growing number of applications on a single device. While industry offers several well established platforms, such as BerkeleyDB and UnQLite, we examine comparatively poorly examined Realm and SnappyDB against industry standard - SQLite. In particular we are interested in performance and code maintainability, and use a test case in order to asses them. Results revile that SQLite shows the poorest performance, while Realm provides the most intuitive way of matching data to the application logic due to its object-oriented nature.

Paper Nr: 9

Interaction Patterns in Web-based Knowledge Communities: Two-Mode Network Approach


Wouter Vollenbroek and Sjoerd de Vries

Abstract: The importance of web-based knowledge communities (WKCs) in the 'network society' is growing. This trend is seen in many disciplines, like education, government, finance and other profit- and non-profit organisations. There is a need for understanding the development of these online communities in order to steer it and to affect the impact it has. In this research, we aimed to identify interaction patterns in these communities to visualize and understand community developments, and show the relevance of WKCs for the development of learning education. We conducted a content analysis and a network analysis on big social data to identify the patterns in two Facebook-groups which were focused on educational development. Analysis of interaction patterns enabled us to identify three interaction stages within WKCs in educational settings: introduction, evolution and maturity. In the first stage, participants mainly introduce themselves. In the second stage, one shares information and in the final stage, participants are more open to share their opinions. The study shows that our network analysis approach is appropriate to analyse and visualize the development of interaction patterns and the results could help us to steer communities effectively and efficiently.

Paper Nr: 11

Big Data Knowledge Service Framework based on Knowledge Fusion


Fei Wang, Hao Fan and Gang Liu

Abstract: In big data environments, knowledge fusion is the necessary prerequisite and effective approach to implement knowledge service. This paper firstly analyses the requirements of big data knowledge service and the contents of knowledge fusion, constructs a multi-level architecture of knowledge service based on knowledge fusion. Then, this paper presents a design of a knowledge fusion process model and analyses its implementation patterns. Finally, a system framework of big data knowledge service is proposed based on knowledge fusion processes, in which processes of both knowledge fusion and knowledge service are organically combined together to provide an effective solution to achieve personalized, multi-level and innovative knowledge service.

Paper Nr: 13

Analyzing a Knowledge Country - How is Sweden Managing its Innovation Process?


Maria Obeso and Maria Jesus Luengo-Valderrey

Abstract: In a scenario where knowledge is considered an essential tool for firms and organizations, the paper presented an analysis about how Sweden, considered as a knowledge country, manages its innovation process. First, the paper presents the measures that Sweden government are doing, exposing the essential points in its innovation strategy. Then, the behaviour of Swedish enterprises related to innovation is analysed. Using an ANOVA technique, the paper shows that there are not differences between Swedish regions managing innovation, but there are differences between industries. After that, a comparison between industries in order to analyse which are the differences has been realized. Results show that machinery and retail industries are the most innovative, and fabricated metal industry is considered the least innovative. Although there are differences between industries, results show that in general Swedish enterprises are innovative because only a 9 per cent of enterprises have not realized something related to innovation process.

Paper Nr: 15

Ensuring Action: Identifying Unclear Actor Specifications in Textual Business Process Descriptions


Ulf Sanne, Hans Friedrich Witschel, Alessio Ferrari and Stefania Gnesi

Abstract: In many organisations, business process (BP) descriptions are available in the form of written procedures, or operational manuals. These documents are expressed in informal natural language, which is inherently open to different interpretations. Hence, the content of these documents might be incorrectly interpreted by those who have to put the process into practice. It is therefore important to identify language defects in written BP descriptions, to ensure that BPs are properly carried out. Among the potential defects, one of the most relevant for BPs is the absence of clear actors in action-related sentences. Indeed, an unclear actor might lead to a missing responsibility, and, in turn, to activities that are never performed. This paper aims at identifying unclear actors in BP descriptions expressed in natural language. To this end, we define an algorithm named ABIDE, which leverages rule-based natural language processing (NLP) techniques. We evaluate the algorithm on a manually annotated data-set of 20 real-world BP descriptions (1,029 sentences). ABIDE achieves a recall of 87\%, and a precision of 56\%. We consider these results promising. Improvements of the algorithm are also discussed in the paper.

Paper Nr: 20

Challenges and Practices for Effective Knowledge Transfer in Globally Distributed Teams - A Systematic Literature Review


Josiane Kroll, Juho Mäkiö and Manal Assaad

Abstract: In the context of Global Software Development (GSD), team members face a number of challenges that needs to be solved. One of them relates to the transfer of knowledge needed to fulfil the required tasks. The knowledge transfer process may be organized and implemented in various ways, as companies use varying strategies to transfer knowledge from onsite to offshore sites. However, without effective knowledge management practices, success in GSD will be difficult. In this paper, we aims to identify the process activities of knowledge transfer in globally distributed teams, challenges and suitable solutions for effective knowledge transfer. In order to achieve this objective, a systematic literature review (SLR) of the existing knowledge transfer literature is conducted. Our findings describing the process of knowledge transfer in globally distributed teams, a set of challenges and recommended practices for effective knowledge transfer. Finally, we conclude this study with a discussion of the directions for further and future research.

Paper Nr: 26

Managing Heterogeneous Information in a System of Information Systems


Majd Saleh, Véronique Misséri and Marie-Hélène Abel

Abstract: Organizations look for information coming from many heterogeneous resources, which are in turn produced by several users working on different Information Systems. Those heterogeneous resources might complement each other, hence producing useful information for the organization. Another possibility is that they might overlap or contradict, therefore producing redundant contradictory information. A common problem that faces organizations here is in the overwhelming amount of the heterogeneous resources produced, and the time required to access and manages those resources under the goal of finding useful information in them. Therefore, one of the most important aspects concerning Information Systems in organizations is the way to manage the knowledge produced from those systems. This issue becomes more significant when dealing with complex Information Systems that work in the digital environment forming the Digital Ecosystem (DE) of modern organizations. As organizations attempts to move forward in this complex Digital Ecosystem, They need to apply out-of-the-box ideas to complex systems such as System of Information Systems (SoIS). Thus, we aim to develop a solution for managing heterogeneous information in a System of Information Systems, and move forward from Digital Ecosystems to Collaborative System of Information Systems. In this paper we present our definition of a Digital Ecosystem. Also, we will detail the model of the SoIS. This model is used to construct the prototype for managing heterogeneous information in a System of Information Systems.

Paper Nr: 31

The STAPS Method - Process-taylored Introduction of Knowledge Management Solutions


Christoph Sigmanek and Birger Lantow

Abstract: Nowadays, knowledge is recognized as an important enterprise resource. Thus, knowledge management is perceived as a necessary management task. Process oriented knowledge management is an approach that aligns knowledge management with the requirements of knowledge intensive processes. However, existing approaches to the implementation of process oriented knowledge management either operate on a very high abstraction level, incorporating much effort for operationalization in practice or on a very detailed level concentrating on process modelling. This paper introduces the STAPS method for the process oriented analysis and implementation of knowledge management solutions. It allows the assessment of already existing knowledge management solutions, the adoption of new solutions based on best practises, and a tailoring to organizational needs. In a case study, the applicability of STAPS is proved.

Paper Nr: 35

Differences between Knowledge and Information Management Practices: Empirical Investigation


Michal Krčál and Michal Kubiš

Abstract: In Knowledge Management (KM) discipline, the nature of KM itself has long been discussed and sometimes even its existence and meaning have been questioned. At the same time, research focusing on the difference between KM and Information Management (IM) was scarce. Therefore we tried through empirical investigation of differences between KM and IM to distinguish the KM from IM and to try to draw a distinct line between both approaches. To fulfil our goal we employed exploratory inductive qualitative research design as not many studies have tried to empirically distinguish KM from IM. For data gathering we used expert semi-structured interviews. The interviews and also results were structured according to 8 perspectives: conceptual, process, technological, organisational, implementation, human resources, economical, and administration. For each perspective, we examined the context of IM and KM and analysed, described and interpreted the differences.

Paper Nr: 42

How Do Young Researchers Take the Steps toward Startup Activities? - A Case Study of a One-day Workshop for Entrepreneur Education


Miki Saijo, Makiko Watanabe, Takumi Ohashi, Haruna Kusu, Hikaru Tsukagoshi and Ryuta Takeda

Abstract: This is an exploratory study of how young researchers with specific scientific knowledge, through deep conversations with mentors from industry in a Business Refinement Workshop (BRWS), are likely to change their original business plans, and what the factors are that will stimulate them to take action for business startup. It was found that the BRWS did lead to changes in business plan issues and solutions, but these changes did not necessarily lead to specification of the business plans. It was also found that a positive perception to the discrepancy of the mentors’ comments was a factor that could stimulate startup activity after the workshop.

Paper Nr: 48

Categorization and Matching for Drone-based Services


Simona Ibba, Filippo Eros Pani and Alberto buschettu

Abstract: The exchange of supply and demand in drone-based services would benefit from the shared use of an online platform. Such a platform would need to offer two important opportunities. One is to share the service with other users, and the other is to receive offers from all providers interacting on the platform, who optimize their investments by sharing their own resources and technologies. The purpose of this position paper is to propose a categorization and matching algorithm on which to base this platform. The platform will aim to facilitate the sharing of services provided through the use of drones. The algorithm will match demand and offer, and will evolve through the use and the application of all participants (operators, users, lenders of shared resources). The platform, currently in development, could be the first web-based system in Europe to offer this model.

Paper Nr: 50

Model-based Strategic Knowledge Elicitation


J. Pedro Mendes

Abstract: Strategic problems are difficult. They often only exist in the mental models of some top managers. They are typically too vague to be given a precise meaning, yet at the same time concrete enough to cause discomfort. They cannot be discarded but they cannot be tackled either because the means for diagnostic and solution are lacking. The body of knowledge of strategy offers little help, in the sense that a set of tools for strategic problem solving does not exist, in practice. In science and engineering, problem solving is model-based. In the past, the social sciences and management have discarded model building due to its inherent difficulties. Today, the means are available to elicit knowledge about the symptoms of strategic problems, create a model to obtain a solution, and produce an implementation plan.

Paper Nr: 52

Big Data and Knowledge Management: How to Implement Conceptual Models in NoSQL Systems?


Fatma Abdelhedi, Amal Ait Brahim, Faten Atigui and Gilles Zurfluh

Abstract: In 2014, Big Data has passed the top of the Gartner Hype Cycle, proving that Big Data technologies and application start to be mature, becoming more realistic about how Big Data can be useful for organizations. NoSQL data stores are becoming widely used to handle Big Data; these databases operate on schema-less data model enabling users to incorporate new data into their applications without using a predefined schema. But, there is still a need for a conceptual model to define how data will be structured in the database. In this paper, we show how to store Big Data within NoSQL systems. For this, we use the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) that provides a framework for models automatic transformation. Starting from a conceptual model that describes a set of complex objects, we propose transformation rules formalized with QVT to generate a column-oriented NoSQL model. To ensure efficient automatic transformation, we use a logical model that limits the impacts related to technical aspects of column-oriented platforms. We provide experiments of our approach using a case study example taken from the health care domain. The results of our experiments show that the proposed logical model can be effectively implemented in different columnoriented systems independently of their specific technical details.

Paper Nr: 56

Towards Comprehensive Security Related Pedagogy - An Approach to Learning and Resilience


Rauno Pirinen, Juha Mäkinen and Arto Salonen

Abstract: The indent of this study is in progress of comprehensive security related pedagogy in the forms of national-international information sharing and knowledge management with the shared policy developing, collaboration in externally funded research consortiums, structures of security and safety organisations, and integration of strategic research and development (R&D) agenda with higher education functions. The study includes multiple case study analysis of integration of R&D projects and higher education functions, revised viewpoints to comprehensive security pedagogy and R&D related learning, and an approach to adaptive change process and resilience. The main contribution of study addresses to the progress of emergent educational aspects for the security related interactions, pedagogy, integration of higher education R&D, and collective research with national and European Commission research programmes.

Paper Nr: 6

Everyday Lives and Practices of a Joint Venture in the Iranian Construction Sector


Laurent Scaringella and François Burtschell

Abstract: We investigate the collaboration between an Iranian and a French company in a joint venture aimed at developing radical innovation in the construction sector. We identify the challenges involved, the barriers to technological change, and the difficulties of transferring knowledge related to absorptive capacity. Our findings indicate that radical innovation is characterized by safety, quality, and planning challenges which engender delays, non-conformity to specifications, and additional costs. We contribute to strengthen the understanding of Iranian technology development by focusing on radical innovation standards, joint venture specific learning dyads, and complex knowledge transfer.

Paper Nr: 10

Development Results of the Intelligent Device for Storage of the Transfusion Environments Containing Platelets


A. G. Gudkov, V. Yu. Leushin, A. F. Bobrikhin, V. N. Lemondjava and E. N. Gorlacheva

Abstract: Research results directed on creation of the device for safe storage of transfusion environments containing platelets with the use of thermal stabilization system based on semiconductor thermoelectric elements, information support of storage process monitoring and radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies are considered. Сalculation results of the storage modes that differ the initial conditions of the process are given. Three-dimensional models of a device based on multi-layer walls are elaborated. Computational experiments with subsequent analysis of the temperature distribution on the computational domain are described.

Paper Nr: 14

Pro-Innovative Orientation of Polish Social Enterprises: The Empirical Perspective


Agata Sudolska and Monika Chodorek

Abstract: Contemporary times require an entrepreneurial approach to social problems. As the consequence social enterprises have emerged as a new type of organization which despite its non-profit character is treated as a fully entrepreneurial organization. As social enterprises adopt business principles while providing social goods or services, it has to develop an orientation that enables not only to survive, but also to compete in the contemporary environment. The paper is an attempt to contribute to the research in the field of social enterprises activities by examining their attitudes towards innovations. The main purpose of the paper is an attempt to assess pro-innovative orientation of Polish social enterprises. The paper addresses two tasks. The first part of the paper provides short theoretical overview of the idea and nature of social enterprise. As the theoretical analysis presented in the paper is exemplified with the empirical study, the second part of the paper presents the research findings which indicate the manifestations of social enterprises pro-innovative orientation. Based on the conducted research, we attempt to identify how social enterprises understand innovations, what kind of innovations they introduce. Finally, we attempt to connect the fact of creating innovations with pro-innovative behaviors of social enterprise employees.

Paper Nr: 17

Exploration Participants Engagement in Organisational Knowledge Sharing


Mohammadbashir Sedighi, Stephan Lukosch, Sander van Splunter, Frances Brazier and Cees van Beers

Abstract: The importance of knowledge sharing within most organisations is well recognised. While abundant KM systems have been matured to encourage individual engagement in knowledge sharing, practical evidences show a low success rate of KM systems. This paper reports on a qualitative exploratory multi-case study to explore level participants’ engagement in knowledge sharing along the design principle for engagement of participatory systems. Results show that KM systems using a combined approach of supply- and demand side KM strongly influence participants’ engagement for knowledge sharing.

Paper Nr: 27

A Survey of Open Government Data in Russian Federation


Dmitrij Koznov, Olga Andreeva, Uolevi Nikula, Andrey Maglyas, Dmitry Muromtsev and Irina Radchenko

Abstract: Open data can increase transparency and accountability of a country government, leading to free information sharing and stimulation of new innovations. This paper analyses government open data policy as well as open data initiatives and trends in Russian Federation. The OECD analytical framework for national open government data portals and supporting initiatives is used as the bases for the study. The key issues of Russian open government data movement are summarized and aggregated. The paper argues the necessity of systematic development of the open data ecosystem, the leading role of the government in data release, a deeper business involvement, and a reduction of bureaucratic barriers.

Paper Nr: 36

A Tracing System for User Interactions towards Knowledge Extraction of Power Users in Business Intelligence Systems


Safwan Sulaiman, Tariq Mahmoud, Stephan Robbers, Jorge Marx Gómez and Joachim Kurzhöfer

Abstract: Business intelligence has been widely integrated in enterprises to help their employees in their decision making process by delivering the needed information at the right time. Statistics from Gartner Group showed that the investment in the business intelligence domain has recently been very high. However, different studies and market researches showed that the pervasiveness and the usage percentage rate of business intelligence are still very low. The reason behind that is the complexity of the usage of business intelligence systems. Moreover, enterprise users lack analytical skills. To mitigate this problem, a new concept of self-service business intelligence has been developed. Within this system, the knowhow of power user is extracted and delivered to business users in form of recommendations. In this paper, we present the conception and development of the tracing module of this new system. This module has the goal of tracing the interactions of power users as the first step to extract their procedural knowledge in form of analysis paths. This is done by creating a user interaction catalogue in which the interactions are defined based on their relevance to the knowledge extraction process. Finally, this paper presents the internal architecture of this tracing module and its components.

Paper Nr: 38

Model of Organizational Readiness to Implement Mentoring


Malgorzata Baran

Abstract: The article presents the manners in which mentoring can be used by organizations. Prior to the implementation of mentoring programs, the organization's preparation level for implementing such programs should be evaluated. Evaluating the organization's readiness forms part of the pre-implementation analysis, which allows the determination of the organization's initial level of commitment to employee development and talent retention. The proposed model of preparing the organization for implementing mentoring programs enables management to determine the scope of human resource management changes that will be introduced. The tool used to carry out the research takes into consideration four areas of organization management: the organization's values and strategies; the development of the organization and its employees; setting objectives, conducting performance appraisals and motivating employees; cooperation and relationships within the organization. The article outlines the procedure of using the tool to carry out research, including both data gathering and analysis. The presented tool may prove useful during the pre-implementation analysis phase in all kinds of organizations that wish to introduce mentoring into their operations.

Paper Nr: 54

A Plan for Constructing an Information Service System for Construction Project Management using GIS Information


SeongJin Kim and Hyun Ok

Abstract: Construction Management System provides assistance in the online exchange and sharing of various documents related to projects, contracts, and processes between government agencies and construction companies that perform national road and river construction projects. The system is being used for the road and river construction projects at approximately 500 locations. The recent development of various information technologies, including big data, GIS(Geographic Information System), and cloud, has enabled construction workers to utilize information devices for their work. A plan for improving Construction Management System was suggested in this study by applying spatial information so that various map-based information services could be provided to construction workers. The suggested plan is expected to provide workers with the visual construction status, including the cost, by integrating construction information and spatial information, and to reduce the onsite work hours and efforts by providing customized functions for each user.

Paper Nr: 55

A Study on the Public Construction Project Cost-Saving Practice Information Provision Service Method


Hyun Ok and Tae-Hak Kim

Abstract: Cost saving in construction projects consists in building structures with the most economical method while satisfying the user requirements with regard to the features and quality. Cost saving through systematic cost management is required to improve the competitiveness in line with the changing construction environment. Organizations affiliated with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport are striving to save on construction costs by reviewing the economic efficiency of their designs, process management, and project management when implementing public construction projects. They are sharing the design value engineering (VE) results information among the public ordering agencies during the design stage, but the sharing of the cost-saving practices in the construction stage is still insufficient. This study presented step-by-step information systems development and service methods so that people can refer to and utilize cost-saving practices in similar construction projects while carrying out public construction projects. The results of this study are expected to contribute to more rational decision-making in and the higher investment efficiency of public construction projects through the analysis and provision of cost-saving cases information for each stage of the construction project life cycle, such as the planning, design, construction, and maintenance stages.

Paper Nr: 58

KPIs 4 Workplace Learning


Sandro Emmenegger, Knut Hinkelmann, Barbara Thönssen and Frieder Witschel

Abstract: Enterprises and Public Administrations alike need to ensure that newly hired employees are able to learn the ropes fast. Employers also need to support continuous workplace learning. Workplace learning should be strongly related to business goals and thus, learning goals should directly add to business goals. To measure achievement of both learning and business goals we propose augmented Key Performance Indicators (KPI). In our research we applied model driven engineering. Hence we developed a model for a Learning Scorecard comprising of business and learning goals and their KPIs represented in an ontology. KPI performance values and scores are calculated with formal rules based on the SPARQL Inferencing Notation. Results are presented in a dashboard on an individual level as well as on a team/group level. Requirements, goals and KPIs as well as performance measurement were defined in close cooperation with Marche Region, business partner in Learn PAd.

Area 1 - Signal Processing

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 60

A State Transition Model for Business Processes - Towards Object-oriented Business Process Automation


Anantharamaiah Prabhakar

Abstract: This paper develops a new model for business processes, called State Transition Model. According to this model, a business process instance starts in some state, then flows, not necessarily sequentially, through zero or more intermediate states, until it is terminated in one of the states. The State Transition Model isolates the workflow part of a process from the non-workflow parts. The State Transition Model facilitates object-oriented design of business processes. It results in a top-down approach to human-centric business process automation. This is in contrast to the popular BPMN model, which results in a bottom-up approach.